As counted down on Sunday 12 January 2025.

1 Jet Odrerir Cambodian Christmas Chas Chas
2 Nightmare A.D. Deathtrip
3 Kampot Playboys Arapiya
4 Penh Pals Ghosts
5 Ariane Parkes The sound of dragonfly wings
6 Ernie Buck Almond Eyes
7 Clay George This Old Town
8 Scoddy Bywater Guernsey Girl
9 Joshua Chiang Don’t Count on Me to Save the World
10 Monks of Junk Short Straw
11 Joshua Chiang Go the Distance
12 Scoddy Bywater Phnom Penh Driving School
13 Scoddy Bywater Quietly Blue
14 Channthy Cha Cha Old Pot Cooks Tasty Rice
15 Geography of the Moon Pick it up
16 Betty Ford & the GT Falcons I would have loved you anyway
17 Geography of the Moon Dismemberment of Linear Time
18 Channthy Cha Cha Nothing to be ashamed
19 Bum’n’Draze Dark Fireworks
20 Japan Guitar Shop Miss Gibbons
21 Yol Aularong Cyclo
22 Channthy Cha Cha I Am Super Shy
23 The Sock Essentials Talking in tears
24 Clay George Cherry Bank Hotel
25 Geography of the Moon Vi
26 The Sock Essentials Sailing off the Edge
27 Ariane Parkes No matter what now is
28 Assia Sina Lady Boss
29 Coz Collective You don’t get to love me anymore
30 Daro Don’t Talk Too Much
31 Japan Guitar Shop The River
32 The Sock Essentials Out there in the rain
33 Kong Nay & VannDa Time To Rise
34 Sochi and Stan Cheap Charlie
35 Clay George Dear Loneliness
36 Gareth Bawden See Me Through
37 Little Thieves The Waltz #3
38 Joe & the Jumping Jacks Oscar’s Song
39 Japan Guitar Shop Promised Land
40 Miss Sarawan Hippy Som Snae
41 Penh Pals Come outside
42 Scapegoat Candy Sweet little lonely soul
43 Soselo Summer Cloud
44 Kong Nay Ramvon ft Ouch Savy
45 Miss Sarawan Sabay Jong Jam
46 Soselo Summer Bellweather architecture
47 The Goldilocks Zone Last Scream
48 Vartey Ganiva Dark Sky
49 Penh Pals What does it take
50 Yol Aularong Yuvachon Kouch Chet
51 Little Thieves Selling Out
52 Preap Sovath Rom Chet
53 Joe & the Jumping Jacks Purple Allie
54 Soselo Summer Soriya
55 Little Thieves To Shame
56 Cambodian Space Project Have Visa No Have Rice
57 Pan Ron Monkey Dance
58 Wildmen Ho Chi Minh City Blues
59 Summer Lee Carlson & Mute Speaker Respectable people
60 12Me Samai Thmey
61 Astronomy Class 4 Barang in a Tuk Tuk
62 Nightmare A.D. Pain is a Master
63 Vuthea Oun Sas Ey
64 Allli G Yaa Re Yaa
65 Frankie Teardrop Dead Plane eclipse
66 Dean Wolf Bailey GSOH
67 Blood Bricks Thrown Over
68 Cambodian Space Project I Am Sixteen
69 Coz Collective There’s someone who loves you
70 Laura Mam Just Like You
71 The Schkoots Watching TV
72 Dean Wolf Bailey Married to a mate of mine
73 Ros Sereysothea I’m 16
74 Frankie Teardrop Dead Tais toi
75 Wildmen It is What it is
76 Justin Frew The night that Liza Glampist comes to town
77 Laura Mam Fate
78 Pan Ron I’m Unsatisfied
79 Summer Lee Carlson & Mute Speaker Moment in the sun
80 Pan Ron Wedding Day
81 Ros Sereysothea Wooly Bully
82 Satiya Prous Te Oun
83 Dean Wolf Bailey Sophie
84 Sinn Sisamouth Satt Thee Thuy
85 Cambodian Space Project Baby Ladyboy
86 Frankie Teardrop Dead Hard Machine
87 Sreyleak Saravan Rok Ku
88 ZyctDan Starting Over
89 12Me Kromom Srok Khmer
90 Justin Frew This Town
91 Frodo Freud Gold Dust
92 Astronomy Class Woman Wants to Drink
93 Kong Nay Maknahseka
94 Blood Bricks Roughneck
95 Sreyleak ft Prof Kinski Pel Roleum Srech Srech
96 Justin Frew Justin Frew’s Blues
97 Nightmare A.D. Dissent Surge
98 Summer Lee Carlson & Mute Speaker Last call
99 AGO Sday Snea Aphorp
100 Blood Bricks Total Necros